BasicQ Inc.
Bootstrap Example

How to Order Cut–To–Measure Traverse Rods

Standard Rod Sets

(Single Or Double Combination Rods)


      1. Quantity: total quantity of each specific type rod ordered
      2. Number as listed under rod set illustrations:
      3. Includes: code, item number, and finish; note that separate
        numbers are listed for similar sets of heavy duty and regular
        cut–to–measure rods
      4. Description: EXAMPLE: “heavy duty two–way traverse set”
      5. Exact width: from outside of bracket to outside of bracket;
        allowances are made where necessary
      6. Projection: when choice of projections is offered
      7. Measurement from rod to floor for cord tension pulley
      8. Stack and control location

      Curved Rod Sets


      1. Quantity: total quantity of each specific type rod ordered
      2. Quantity: total quantity of each specific type rod ordered
        Number as listed under rod set illustrations: this number includes:
        Includes: code, item number, and finish; note that separate numbers
        are listed for similar sets of heavy duty cut–to–measure rods
      3. Description: EXAMPLE: “heavy duty bay window set”
      4. Exact required window measurements as shown in diagram with set
        listing; Graber® will make allowance for projection specified
      5. Projection: when choice of projection is offered
      6. Measurement from rod to floor for cord tension pulley
      7. Stack and control location

      Cord Tension Pulleys

      1. Graber 8–655 or 8–658 cord tension pulleys are recommended for all Graber cut–to–measure assembled sets
      2. For heavier duty applications, use 8–648 metal ball bearing cord tension pulleys

      Figuring Rod Width

      1. Always give measurement “A” from outside to outside of brackets
      2. Graber will make necessary allowances

       Graber Rod Width

      Cutting Allowance

      • Cut–to–measure rodding must be cut slightly shorter than the overall rod extension measurement to allow for brackets and pulley housings • The difference between these measurements is the “cutting allowance”

       Graber Rod Allowance

      Measuring Diagrams

        Measure Diagram

        Measure Diagram

        Measure Plan

      Traverse Rods

      Our Price: $0.00

      Our Price: $0.00

      Our Price: $0.00

      Our Price: $0.00

      Our Price: $0.00

      Our Price: $0.00

      Our Price: $0.00

      Our Price: $0.00

      Our Price: $0.00

      Our Price: $0.00

      Our Price: $0.00

      Our Price: $0.00

      Our Price: $0.00

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