Heavy Duty (9–200)
Two–way 9–200 track using 9–213 pulley set with 9–105 masters, 9–346
slides (4 per foot), 9–041 #4 traverse cord, 8–655 tension pulley, 9–231 center
support, and 9–125 end brackets. Cutting allowance for two–way 31⁄2".
One–way left/one–way right 9–200 track using 9–213 pulley set and 9–212
end pulley with 9–108 master, 9–346 slides (4 per foot), 9–041 #4 traverse
cord, 8–655 tension pulley, 9–231 end support, also used as center supports
on longer rods, one 9–125 bracket. Cutting allowance for one–way 13⁄4".
Regular Duty (9–300)
Two–way 9–300 track using 9–313 pulley set with 9–310 masters, 9–346
slides (4 per foot), 9–043 #4 traverse cord, 8–655 tension pulley, 9–332 center
support, and 9–125 end brackets. Cutting allowance for two–way 31⁄2".
One–way left/one–way right 9–300 track using 9–313 pulley set and
9–316 end pulley with 9–312 master, 9–346 slides (4 per foot), 9–043 #31\xE2\x81\x844
traverse cord, 8–655 tension pulley, 9–332 end support, also used as center
support on longer rods, one 9–125 end bracket. Cutting allowance for
one–way 13⁄ 4".
Slimline Super Duty
Two–way super duty 9–650 track using 9–350 and 9–351 pulley with 9–356
and 9–357 butt masters, or 9–355 and 9–354 overlap masters, 9–383 and
9–345 snap carriers, or connected carriers of specified fullness, 9–041 #4
traverse cord, 8–655 tension pulley. Brackets purchased separately. Cutting
allowance for two–way 5".
One–way left/one–way right super duty 9–650 track using 9–351
(9–350 one–way right) pulley and 9–353 end pulley with 9–356
(9–357 one–way right) butt master or 9–354 (9–348 one–way right) overlap
master, 9–383 with 9–345 swivel snap pendants or connected carriers of
specified fullness, 9–041 #4 traverse cord, 8–655 tension pulley. Brackets
purchased separately. 21⁄2" cut allowance.
Baton draw super duty 9–657 track using 9–386 end caps with 9–387 and
9–388 overlap masters, 9–383 with 9–345 snap pendent, or connected carriers
of specified fullness, 8–637 baton. Brackets purchased separately.
1/4" cut allowance.
Two–way 9–804 track using 9–823 pulley set with 9–819 masters, 9–840
ball bearing carriers, 9–039 #5 traverse cord, 8–648 tension pulley. Brackets
purchased separately. 6" cut allowance.
One–way left/one–way right 9–804 track using 9–823 pulley set, 9–826
insert pulley with 9–820 master, 9–840 ball bearing carriers, 9–039 #5
traverse cord, 8–648 tension pulley. Brackets purchased separately. Cutting
allowance 3".
Two–way baton draw 9–8191 track using the 9–165 end stop with the 9–821
overlap masters, 9–840 ball bearing carriers, 8–635 baton. Brackets purchased
separately. Cutting allowance: 0".
Two–way baton draw with returns 9–8191 track using the return/extenders
9–170 (right) and/or 9–171 (left) with the 9–821 overlap masters, 9–840
ball bearing carriers, 8–635 baton. Brackets purchased separately. Cutting
allowance: 0".
One–way baton draw 9–8191 track using the 9–165 end stop with the 9–822
overlap master, 9–840 ball bearing carriers, 8–635 baton. Brackets purchased
separately. Cutting allowance: 0".
One–way baton draw with returns 9–8191 track using the return/extenders
9–170 (right) and/or 9–171 (left) with the 9–822 overlap masters, 9–840
ball bearing carriers, 8–635 baton. Brackets purchased separately. Cutting
allowance: 0".
Cubicle 9–808 track using the 9–165 end stop and the 9–849 ball bearing
carrier with hook. Brackets not available. Cutting allowance: 0".
Flex Rod
Two–way cut allowance 31⁄4".
One–way cut allowance 15 ⁄8".
Made–To–Measure Rods—Specifications
Heavy Duty (9–200)
Two–way 9–200 track using 9–213 pulley set with 9–105 masters, 9–346
slides (4 per foot), 9–041 #4 traverse cord, 8–655 tension pulley, 9–231 center
support, and 9–125 end brackets. Cutting allowance for two–way 31⁄2".
One–way left/one–way right 9–200 track using 9–213 pulley set and 9–212
end pulley with 9–108 master, 9–346 slides (4 per foot), 9–041 #4 traverse
cord, 8–655 tension pulley, 9–231 end support, also used as center supports
on longer rods, one 9–125 bracket. Cutting allowance for one–way 13⁄4".
Regular Duty (9–300)
Two–way 9–300 track using 9–313 pulley set with 9–310 masters, 9–346
slides (4 per foot), 9–043 #4 traverse cord, 8–655 tension pulley, 9–332 center
support, and 9–125 end brackets. Cutting allowance for two–way 31⁄2".
One–way left/one–way right 9–300 track using 9–313 pulley set and
9–316 end pulley with 9–312 master, 9–346 slides (4 per foot), 9–043 #31⁄4
traverse cord, 8–655 tension pulley, 9–332 end support, also used as center
support on longer rods, one 9–125 end bracket. Cutting allowance for
one–way 13⁄ 4".
Slimline Super Duty
Two–way super duty 9–650 track using 9–350 and 9–351 pulley with 9–356
and 9–357 butt masters, or 9–355 and 9–354 overlap masters, 9–383 and
9–345 snap carriers, or connected carriers of specified fullness, 9–041 #4
traverse cord, 8–655 tension pulley. Brackets purchased separately. Cutting
allowance for two–way 5".
One–way left/one–way right super duty 9–650 track using 9–351
(9–350 one–way right) pulley and 9–353 end pulley with 9–356
(9–357 one–way right) butt master or 9–354 (9–348 one–way right) overlap
master, 9–383 with 9–345 swivel snap pendants or connected carriers of
specified fullness, 9–041 #4 traverse cord, 8–655 tension pulley. Brackets
purchased separately. 21⁄2" cut allowance.
Baton draw super duty 9–657 track using 9–386 end caps with 9–387 and
9–388 overlap masters, 9–383 with 9–345 snap pendent, or connected carriers
of specified fullness, 8–637 baton. Brackets \xC2\xADpurchased separately.
1⁄4" cut allowance.
Flex Rod
Two–way cut allowance 31⁄4".
One–way cut allowance 15 ⁄8".